Even though I got there early, I still had to wait in line to get in. What is it about NYC and lines? I saw a sign that said that I can skip the line if I waved my NY:INC American Express Card. Can't believe I just cancelled that useless card 3 weeks ago!
When I got in, the list lady couldn't find my name on the list ... but she stamped me anyways. So off I went, shopping.
First I tried on these really cute shoes, but couldn't find one in my size. Next I wondered over to a handbag place and set my sights on this large, roomy, leather bag with gold studs. I don't know what I was thinking, after all, I was at a sale where all the items were below wholesale prices.
I put the bag down to check out the rest of the selection, and before I knew it, someone else picked it up and started fondling it. I kept following her around, telling myself that she was just looking, there's no way she was going to buy MY bag. Well, I think you can guess how that story ends ... that girl bought my bag!
Dejected, I went to get a free bottle of water, and thought about drinking a couple of Bailey cocktails. Since I was shopping by myself, I felt kinda silly drinking by myself. So I went on to visit my friend Grace Sun who was showing there.
I had previously went to her private sales, but didn't buy much because everything was in sample size so I couldn't try anything on. This time however, I was able to try things on and ended buying a dress and a blouse. I wish I could have bought more, but I don't think she had her full collection there.
I also bought a whole bunch of french lace lingerie from a designer named CLO. My DH really liked them :)
All in all, a great shopping experience, can't wait for next year's!
It's so nice for me to have found this blog of yours, it's so interesting. I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise. My blog is also so cool!
Feel free off course to comment as you wish and remember: don't take it wrong, don't think that this visitation I make is a matter of more audiences for my own blogg. No. It's a matter of making universal, realy universal, all this question of bloggs, all the essential causes that bring us all together.
I think it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers! Don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity. Remenber that pictures talk also. Open your heart and come along!!!!!
Good words.
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